Sentient Beings

ancient methods applied in a modern world

The Queens and I

For the last 3 nights, my dreams have been extremely vivid, speaking to me about the future while referencing the past.

How do your dreams relate to you?


Three nights ago, Bailey came to me. Some of you may remember me mentioning her as she is my beloved psychic feline who passed as a result of my 2016 house fire. When she was alive, she loved to dance with me as I hummed "Shall We Dance" from the King and I (video attached). I would literally (attempt to) ball room dance in the bedroom by twirling around and keeping rhythm with a box step while she sat gently in my arms. I would rest my cheek on her back with my nose nuzzled in her fur. It's one of my fondest memories of her, and she brought it back to me so brightly in my dream. It felt real.

Two nights ago, I had several sweet memories flood through my dreams about my paternal grandmother who passed a few months ago. Baking peanut butter cookies, making my own paint by rubbing rocks and painting her face with it, playing airplane with her feet (she also liked the exercise) and holiday traditions. I awoke from my dream to feeling her continued presence. Then, later in the day when running an errand, she came to me again when an Oldsmobile Bravada (her car model from about 10 years ago) stopped in front of me at a stop light. I haven't seen one of those in many many years. I whispered, "Hi Grandma." as a tear dropped from my cheek.


Last night, Bailey came to me again. Despite being an indoor cat in her life with me, she was in my dream, sitting outside my previous home on a table by a fence. She let me pick her up to hold her tight and I remembered what she felt like in my arms. I hadn't thought about her luxurious fur, her rosey smell and her weight laying flexibly in my arms in awhile. As I looked down at her, realizing I was in a dream, she transformed into Asti, my astral manx feline who lives with me now. They are both frequent celestial travelers. It brought me to tears, not only as I write this, but also in my dream.

These dreams came in a set of 3, which to me symbolizes "Pay Attention!". I needed a reminder to let myself feel these moments again, despite the pain associated with the loss I feel. Thank you, "The Queens” (Grandmother and Bailey). Thank you, Universe.

We all have our humanness to experience. The animals want to help us. So do our ancestors.

Let’s let them help us.

Holiday 2017 Post: Perspectives on Stress

Seasons Greetings and Warm Blessings to You All

With a sentiment of reflection as we enter into our holiday season, the topic of this letter is the perspective and experience of stress.  I know the holiday season can bring joy, but also stress as we try to do and see so much. The following message is an inspired and guided wisdom, and at the bottom of the newsletter there is a special offer. 

The way animals and humans physically experience stress are similar, but the reasons for causing the stress are usually different.  Animals (and humans) generally feel stress when their environment changes unexpectedly or too quickly, they don’t feel well, their food sources are scarce, they are mirroring someone’s condition, or they are trying to offload stress from another being experiencing stress.  This stress manifests as medical ailments or behavioral shifts.  Being a human experiencing stress, there are added reasons of “I don’t feel as happy as I think I should be thus I feel stressed”, “my expectations are not met thus I feel disappointed”, or we try to do too much in the precious time we are given. The following is advice our animal friends give us:

“Slow down to gain perspective. 
Life is not about how fast we go, what papers we sign, or who we physically see without eagerness.  It’s about the small moments where we feel deeply together.
Each moment is permanent and eternal. 
We encourage you to shift from a do-er to a be-er.”

The animals encourage us to reach out and lean in for love, in both giving and receiving.


Bailey is my beloved cat who lived with me for 7 years before passing away as a result of health complications from our devastating house fire in July 2016.  When I sat down to write my holiday article, with just the glow of my laptop and the fragment of the sunrise light in my window, sweet Bailey came to me with a keen interest in this newsletter. I had always joked that she was my “grandma cat” as she took little interest in typical house-cat adventures, so it is fitting that she has continued to be my guide for animal kingdom wisdom.  Her main role is that of a teacher to me and all those connected to me, in physical and in-spirit.  Thanks for the inspiration, Bailey-Boop-Boop-Be-Doo!